
I do what I love. We all have the freedom to follow our dreams, do you?

My name is Stacey, and at this moment I am in the Winthrop, WA area. I enjoy exploring my surroundings in many different ways. My significant other Bernie, and I spend a lot of time outdoors. We enjoy photography, hiking, relaxing, exploring. I have many different crafts that I play around with, to keep me busy and expressing my creative side. I do what I love, what ever that might be at any given time. Follow your dreams, life is too short to waste.

If you need to get ahold of me for any reason you can e-mail me at: enchanted_wart@yahoo.com

10 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Stacey,

    I am learning to follow my dreams and do what I love -photography-. I just started a blog, and am still learning how to use it! I loved the photo of the mountian. WA is a place that I want to travel!


  2. Hello Stacey – It sounds like you live a wonderful life. When we aren’t at our floating cabin in Powell River BC we come to Bellingham to visit my mother who lives there. I invite you to come see some of my adventures and life up the lake. I think it is something you might like. – Margy

  3. Hi Stacey,

    I can not find your email address, I hope you see this comment. Thank you for telling us all what my little pink flower is! Please go to the link in that post of my photography store and pick out a greeting card and email me the title and your mailing address so that I can send it to you. Seems I have recently found both your blog and Bernie’s around the same time. You both hold a lively spirit that makes me smile from my heart. Lovely to meet you.

  4. Hello Stacey,
    I just discovered your delightful blog tonight and enjoyed reading your posts. It seems that we have a lot in common. I was born on Vashon Island, have lived in the Pacific Northwest all my life, and love it here. That’s why I write this blog, Good Life Northwest. I believe we can create the life we want with our positive thoughts and attitudes. I try to bring to my readers a thoughtful awareness of what really matters, reasons to be happy, the joys of living, helpful information on healthy choices for ourselves and our planet, a bit of humor, news of interesting people and events, and just a place to come to when they want to feel good.
    I’d be interested in linking to each others blogs. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to look at mine and see what you think.

    Thank you,

  5. Hi Stacy,
    I’m working on a project called the Smart Cities Initiative, which will be a multimedia website tracking progress being made today toward smarter, more sustainable cities tomorrow. This is a non-profit project, and the website is being hosted by a prominent national environmental group (not permitted to release info at this point). We are seeking certain images of 45 of the top-ranked U.S. cities that demonstrate the progress they have made toward urban benchmarks such as clean air and water, green spaces, energy efficiency, and sustainable transportation. One of the images we are looking for is the interurban trail in Bellingham, and I saw the great photo of your and your dog walking the trail on your site.
    Would you be willing to grant us permission to use the photo on the site? (Photo would be uploaded at only 72 dpi.) As a non-profit I’m afraid we are unable to pay any licensing fees, however we will provide a photo credit which will enable your photograph to be viewed and identified by a wide range of policy makers, business leaders, developers, scientists, educators and entrepreneurs.
    Thank you in advance for your consideration of our request,
    Jody Potter

  6. Oh dearest Stacey, what a beautifully dramatic photo of you. I love it. And I love your words here. They come at a time that I can really use them. They make me feel strong and whole. This line says it all: “Follow your dreams, life is too short to waste.”

    That speaks to the heart and soul of me. It is almost something I could tell myself every single day. As I move into this whole book thing, remembering that life is too short to waste, helps me be myself and trust my OWN path and not let the tugs and pulls and pressures fear from my own heart. Even if I don’t always know where my path is taking me, I do know how my heart feels. I do know when something or someone feel “right” or “true” for me. It is when i am not dragged off my center but I inspired to live more fully my center (or truth).

    You do that for me. You, just being YOU, lights up my own knowing heart and makes it shine even more. I love you for that and so much more. You are a truly trusting and beautiful soul. I can hardly believe all that you have done in your life. It is astounding. I doubt many can fully comprehend it. I am so blessed to call you my beautiful, grace-filled friend. Thank you for all your love and kindness. It brings tears to my eyes. Love, Robin

  7. Your blog is really great – you take beautiful photos and the landscapes are stunning. It looks like such a gorgeous place to visit, I hope I get a chance to explore WA! Thanks for sharing your photos and experiences!

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